Public entity claims cover a wide range of disputes involving local governments and their officials, employees, departments, and agencies, including police and fire departments, zoning boards, and school districts. With more than 20 years of experience specializing in this area of law, our attorneys have gained a deep understanding and knowledge of the various immunities and defenses available to public entities. Leveraging this knowledge and experience, our attorneys work to identify, develop, and apply these immunities and defenses from the outset of a case to its resolution, aiming to achieve the most favorable outcome at the earliest stage of the litigation process.

Our attorneys represent various towns and cities, school districts, police and fire departments, and other local municipal entities, officials, and employees in matters before state, federal, and appellate courts, including:

  • Law enforcement claims alleging improper police tactics, unreasonable use of deadly and non-lethal force, police pursuits, searches and seizures, wrongful arrest, wrongful conviction, and deficiencies in police training and policies 
  • Civil rights claims alleging discriminatory conduct, unlawful retaliation, free speech, and other constitutional violations
  • Tort liability claims alleging personal injury, and/or property damage resulting from a myriad of circumstances, including but not limited to: highway defects, motor vehicle accidents, defective premises, invasion of privacy, and defamation
  • School liability claims against local boards of education and their employees in matters involving injuries or accidents on school premises, bullying, alleged improper contact between students and employees, and regulation of student speech
  • Zoning and land use claims involving allegations of discrimination and retaliation, enforcement, and other disputes
  • Fair Housing claims